Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
M.S.W., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
B.A., North Park College, Chicago, Illinois
Professor Emerita and Former Dean, University of Washington, 2011-present
Professor, School of Social Work, University of Washington, 2001-2011
Dean, School of Social Work, University of Washington, 2001-2005
Associate Dean, The University of Texas at Austin, 1995-2001
Professor, The University of Texas at Austin, 1999-2002
Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin, 1995-1999
Visiting Associate Professor, Catholic University, 1989-1995
Assistant Professor (with tenure), St. Thomas University, 1980-1993
Fieldwork Coordinator, St. Thomas University/College of St. Catherine, 1984-1986
Adjunct Professor, Smith College, 1991
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota 1977-1979
Director, University of Minnesota, $1 million Title XX Project, 1976-1979
Content Specialist/Coordinator of Curriculum Development, National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Washington, D.C., 1995-1996
Project Director, International Violence and Development Project, NASW, ($1 million U.S.A.I.D.-funded project), 1993-1995
Development Education Director, NASW, International Office, 1990-1992
Executive Director, Enablers Inc., St. Paul, MN, 1979-1980
Educational Consultant/Counselor, private practice, 1977-1989
Staff Development Coordinator, MN State Department of Public Welfare, 1975-1976
Project Coordinator, Minnesota State Planning Agency, 1975-1976
Social Worker, St. Louis County Human Services, 1970-1974
Group Home Coordinator, Little Flower Children’s Services, Wading River, New York,
Distinguished Alumni Award, College of Education and Human Development, UM, 2014
Legacy Society Award, University of Minnesota, 2006
Lora Lee Pederson Teaching Excellence Award, 1998-1999
Nominated for Outstanding Graduate Advisor, University of Texas, 1998, 1999, 2000
Nominated for a Robert W. Hamilton Author Award for book, The Global Crisis of Violence, 1998
Member, Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, by election of the University of Texas Chapter, Austin, 1997-present
Paul Hanly Furfey Fellowship, Catholic University, 1991-1994
Sabbatical Leave Award, St. Thomas University, 1989-1990
Minnesota Social Services Association Award for Individual Service and Leadership, 1988
Graduate Scholarship, University of Minnesota, 1974-75
Books: Fiction
Van Soest, D. (2020). Nuclear Option. Baltimore, MD: Apprentice House.
Van Soest, D. (2018). Death, Unchartered. Baltimore, MD: Apprentice House.
Van Soest, D. (2015). At the Center. Baltimore, MD: Apprentice House.
Van Soest, D. (2014). Just Mercy. Baltimore, MD: Apprentice House.
Books: Nonfiction
Garcia, B. & Van Soest, D. (2021). Social work practice for social justice: From cultural competence to anti-oppression, A Guide for Students. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social work Education.
Van Soest, D. & Garcia, B. (2008). Diversity education for social justice: Mastering Teaching Skills, Second Edition. Council on Social Work Education Press, Alexandria, VA.
Garcia, B. & Van Soest, D. (2006). Social work practice for social justice. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social work Education.
Van Soest, D. & Garcia, B. (2003). Diversity education for social justice: Mastering teaching skills. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education.
Van Soest, D. (1997). The global crisis of violence: Common problems, universal causes, shared solutions. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
Crosby, J. & Van Soest, D. (1997). Challenges of violence worldwide: An educational resource. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
Van Soest, D. & Crosby, J. (1997). Challenges of violence worldwide: Curriculum module. Washington, D.C.: NASW Press.
Van Soest, D. (1992). Incorporating peace and social justice into the social work curriculum. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Social Workers.
White, M. & Van Soest, D. (1984). Empowerment of people for peace. Minneapolis, MN: WAMM.
Journal Articles (refereed)
Garcia, B., Van Soest, D., Jayasundara, S. (2022). Oppression: An Overview. Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work. Oxford University Press.
Van Soest, D. (2021). Finding Energy for the Struggle When the Crisis Is Over: Ways to Overcome Despair and Find Hope. NASW Intersections in Practice.
Garcia, B. & Van Soest, D. (2019). Oppression. Encyclopedia of Social Work, 21st Edition. Oxford University Press.
Van Soest, D. (2012). Confronting our fears and finding hope in difficult times: Social work as a force for social justice. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 23 (2), 95-109.
Van Soest, D. (2013, 2008). Oppression. Encyclopedia of Social Work, 19th and 20th Editions. Oxford University Press.
Urwin, C., Van Soest, D., & Kretsczhmar, J. (2006). Using a process model to develop student standards: Key principles, Journal of Social Work Education,26 (1/2), 163-180..
Van Soest, D. (2004). What social workers can do about violence: Learning from the lives of 37 men, Social Work in Health Care, 39 (3/4), 435-453.
Van Soest, D., Park, H., Johnson, T., & McPhail, B. (2003, February). Different paths to death row: A comparison of men who committed heinous & less heinous crimes. Violence & Victims, 18 (1), 15-33.
Van Soest, D., Canon, R., & Grant, D. (2000). Using an interactive website to educate about cultural diversity and societal oppression, Journal of Social Work Education, 36 (3), 463-479.
Van Soest, D., Garcia, B. & Graff, D. (2000). Sensitivity to racism and social work professors' responsiveness to critical classroom events, Journal of Teaching in Social Work.
Garcia, B. & Van Soest, D. (2000). Facilitating learning on diversity: Challenges to the professor, Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 9 (1/2).
David, G. & Van Soest, D. (1999). Relevance of Gandhi to a peaceful and just world society: Lessons for social work practice and education, New Global Development: Journal of International and Comparative Social Welfare, XV, 8-22.
Garcia, B. & Van Soest, D. (1999). Teaching about diversity and oppression: Learning from the analysis of critical classroom events, Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 18 (1/2), 149-167.
Garcia, B. & Van Soest, D. (1997). Changing perceptions of diversity and oppression: MSW students discuss the effects of a required course, Journal of Social Work Education, 33 (1), 119-130.
Wambach, K. & Van Soest, D. (1997). Oppression, NASW Encyclopedia of Social Work, Supplement to 19th edition, Washington, D.C.: NASW.
Van Soest, D. (1996). The impact of social work education on student beliefs about justice and commitment to social justice advocacy, Journal of Social Work Education, 32 (2), 191-202.
Van Soest, D. (1996). The impact of competing ideologies about homosexuality on social work educational policy, Journal of Social Work Education, 32 (1), 53-64.
Van Soest, D. (1995). Multiculturalism and social work education: The non-debate about competing perspectives, Journal of Social Work Education, 31 (1), 55-66.
Van Soest, D. & Bryant, S. (1995). Violence reconceptualized for social work: The urban dilemma, Social Work, 40 (4), 549-557.
Van Soest, D. (1995). Peace and social justice, NASW Encyclopedia of Social Work 19th edition, Washington, D.C.: NASW.
Van Soest, D. (1994). Social work education for multicultural practice and social justice advocacy: A field study of how students experience the learning process, Journal of Multicultural Social Work, 3 (1), 17-28.
Van Soest, D. (1994). Strange bedfellows: A call for reordering our national priorities from three social justice perspectives, Social Work, 39 (6), 710-717.
Van Soest, D. and Kruzich, J. (1994). The influence of learning styles on student and field instructor perceptions of field placement success, Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 9 (1/2), 49-69.
Van Soest, D. (1992). Peace and social justice as an integral part of the social work curriculum, Australian Social Work, 45 (1), 29-38.
Van Soest, D., Johnston, N., and Sullivan, M. (1987). Orientation to peace and justice in professional social work education in the United States, Journal of Social Development Issues, 10 (3), 81-98.
Kruzich, J., Friesen, B., and Van Soest, D. (1986). Assessment of student and faculty learning styles: Research and application, Journal of Social Work Education, 22 (3).
Van Soest, D. (1986). Reshaping America's poor: When arms and ethics collide, College of St. Thomas Magazine.
Van Soest, D. (1986, Spring). From grieving to action, Search.
Steil, L., Sullivan, M., and Van Soest, D. (1980). Developing welfare managerial competencies, Journal of Education for Social Work, 16 (3).
Chapters, Reports, Monographs, Creative Non-Fiction
Van Soest, D. (Fall, 2020). Still Laughing. 3rd Act Magazine.
Van Soest, D. (Summer 2020). What happens when it’s over: what COVID-19 is teaching us. WILPF Peace & Freedom Magazine.
Van Soest, D. (Feb –March, 2020). The Emperor’s Red Button. The Retiree Advocate.
Van Soest, D. (2019). Book Review of Viñas, B., Bartlett, S. W., & Tibbott, K. (Eds.). Life lines: Re-writing lives from the inside out. Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work.
Van Soest, D. (October 2013). Bite Me. Crunchable (online literary journal); Widdershins edition, Vol. VI, Issue 5.
Van Soest, D. (2008) Book Review of Goldman, P. (Ed.), Imagining ourselves: Global voices from a new generation of women. AFFILIA, 23 (1), 100-101.
Van Soest, D. (2007). Developing a global professional perspective on violence. In Peace Policy Toolkit (pp. 63-77) by the National Association of Social Workers. Washington, D.C.: Author.
Van Soest, D. (2006). Advancing social and economic justice. In D. Lum (Ed.), Culturally competent practice. Third edition. Brooks Cole Publishing Co.
Van Soest, D. (2005). Book Review of Rouner, Leroy S., Religion, politics and peace. Social thought: Journal of religion in the social services.
Van Soest, D. (2004). What social workers can do about violence: Learning from the lives of 37 men. In Social Work Visions from Around the Globe:
Citizens, Methods, and Approaches by A. Metteri, (Eds). The Haworth Press.
Van Soest, D. (2004). Structural barriers to multicultural competence in the field practicum, in Culturally Competent Practice in the 21st Century by L. Gutierrez, M. Zuniga, & D. Lum (Eds.).
Van Soest, D. & Johnson, T. (in press). Criminal justice and social work: A critical analysis, in The Helping Profession: Social Work and Social Welfare by J. Erlich & F. Rivera (Eds.).
Van Soest, D. (2003). Advancing social and economic justice. In D. Lum (Ed.), Culturally competent practice (pp. 345-439). Second edition. Brooks Cole Publishing Co.
Van Soest, D. (2000). Book Review of D. Miller, Principles of justice, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. In press.
Gilbert, D., Grant, D., Van Soest, D. & Hammer, K. (2000). Human behavior in the social environment: Cultural diversity, in Teaching Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity in Social Work: A Collection of Model Course Outlines, Alexandria, VA: CSWE.
Book Review (1999) of D.M. Brown and E. McKeon, The poor belong to us: Catholic Charities and American welfare. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare.
Van Soest, D. (1997, March). A call for revitalizing community practice in social work, NASW/Texas Chapter News.
Van Soest, D. (1996, March). Social workers face violence issues, NASW/Texas, Austin Unit News, 6 (6), 2, 5.
Van Soest, D. (1995). A feminist ethic for peace in Feminist Practice in the 21st Century by Nan Van Den Bergh (Ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Association of Social Workers.
Van Soest, D. (1995, November). NASW plans nationwide teach-in, NASW/Texas Chapter News, 21 (4), 7.
Van Soest, D. (1995). Book Review of M.D. Hoff & J.G. McNutt. The global environmental crisis: Implications for social welfare and social work. Social Thought: Journal of Religion in the Social Services.
Van Soest, D. (1995, Fall). Violence and development project’s third-year activities, The Reporter, 43 (3), 20.
Van Soest, D. (1995). Violence and development: Common problems, universal causes, shared solutions, BCRS Newsletter.
Van Soest, D. (1994). Social work education for multicultural practice and social justice advocacy: A field study of how students experience the learning process in School Social Workers in the Multicultural Environment: New Roles, Responsibilities, and Educational Enrichment (pp. 17-28) by Paul R. Keyes (Ed.). The Haworth Press.
Violence and International Development Information Bulletins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1992-1995). Washington, D.C.: NASW Office of Peace and International Affairs.
Van Soest, D. & White, M. (1993). Empowerment of people for peace, in Grounds for Peace: An Anthology of Writings by Members of Women Against Military Madness and Women Poets of the Twin Cities. (pp. 120-124). Minneapolis, MN: WAMM.
Van Soest, D. (1992). Peace and social justice: The unifying concepts, in Internationalizing Social Work Education: A Guide to Resources for a New Century by Richard J. Estes (Ed.), University of Pennsylvania.
Member of International Task Force that wrote Teaching and learning about human rights: A manual for schools of social work and the social work profession, (1992). Geneva, Switzerland: The United Nations.
The Child and Family Well-Being Development Education Project, Biannual Newsletter, 1990-1991, Washington, D.C.: NASW.
Van Soest, D. (1988, January). Poverty, war are both forms of violence, NASW News. Washington, D.C.
Van Soest, D. (1986, September/October). Peace advocacy as a social work ethic, NASW Newsletter, Minnesota Chapter, 19 (1), 4.
Van Soest, D. & White, M. (1984). Empowerment: Giving birth to peace, Northern Sun, 7 (5), 6-7.
Increasing understanding of how to prevent violent crime through investigation of the lives of thirty-seven men executed in Texas in 1997.
Moral disengagement : Measurement and modification. Co-investigator (2000) on capital punishment for research study on comprehensive approaches to violence, funded by NIH ($869,000; principal investigator: Alfred McAlister).
Home health care. Student Field Unit. Girling Health Care, Inc., Co-principal investigator, 1999-2000 ($75,424).
Protective services field unit. Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, principal investigator, 1999-2000 ($26,083).
Children’s health field internship. Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Children's Health, principal investigator, 1999-2000 ($14,980).
Student internship. Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Women's Health, principal investigator, 1999-2000 ($5,892).
Interagency Agreement for Student Internships, Texas Youth Commission, principal investigator, 1999-2000 ($35,350).
Research Mentorship Award, University of Texas at Austin Graduate School, 1998-1999 ($15,500 ).
Family support program. Texas Department of Criminal Justice, co-principal investigator, 1998-99, ($218,749).
Student intern program. Texas Department of Health, co-principal investigator, 1998-99, $17,600.
Family support program, Texas Department of Criminal Justice, co-principal investigator,1995-98 ($130,000/year; total $390,000).
Graduate student unit. Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, co-principal investigator, 1995-99 ($35,000/year; total $105,000).
Home health care, Student Field Unit, Girling Health Care, Inc., co-principal investigator, 1995-99 ($75,000/year; total $300,000).
Paths to Prevention, Student Field Unit, City of Austin, co-principal investigator, 1995-99 (approx. $41,000/year; total $164,000).
Student internships. Texas Youth Commission, co-principal investigator, 1995-99 ($35,000/year; $140,000).
Welfare to Work (WtoW) Student Intern Unit with Austin Community College and the Austin/Travis County WtoW Coalition ($65,000/year for 3 years; not funded)
A study of difficulties faced in teaching about cultural diversity: Analyzing critical classroom events, 1995, Small Research Grant, University of Texas at Austin.
The impact of social work professors’ sensitivity to racism on responses to critical classroom events, 1994. Small Research Grant, University of Texas at Austin.
Peace and social justice curriculum: A field test. 1990, Bush Faculty Development Grant for field study in California, Costa Rica, and Peru.
UMAIE Grant to participate in Peace Studies Research Course in Europe, 1990.
Impact of student and field instructor personality and learning style on supervision, 1988. Bush Foundation Research Grant.
Developing an Inter-disciplinary course on Empowerment for Peace and Justice, 1986, Bush Faculty Development Grant.
Developing a course on Teaching Core Helping Skills through Field Instruction, 1985, Bush Foundation Teaching Grant.
Professional social work education: Current orientation for peace and social justice, 1983, Research Assistance Grant, Bush Foundation.
Developing a faculty workshop on Incorporating the Adult Learning Model in the Classroom, 1983, Faculty Development Grant, College of St. Thomas.
An investigation of student-centered methodologies, 1982, Maxi-grant through Bush Faculty Development Foundation.
2018 Van Soest, D. Criminal Justice: Pathways, Structures, Outcomes and Future Directions, Just Mercy (required reading for students). Columbia University. New York City, NY.
2018 Van Soest, D. Reimagining your life for fun and fulfillment. NESTcafê, Seattle, WA.
2017 Van Soest, D. Criminal Justice: Pathways, Structures, Outcomes and Future Directions, Just Mercy (required reading for students). Columbia University. New York City, NY.
2017 Van Soest, D. Issues in Child Welfare featuring At the Center (required student reading), Social Welfare Class, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
2016 Van Soest, D. Issues in Indian Child Welfare: At the Center (required reading for class). Briar Cliff University School of Social Work, Sioux City, Iowa
2016 Van Soest, D. Criminal Justice: Pathways, Structures, Outcomes and Future Directions, featuring Just Mercy (required class reading). Columbia University. New York City, NY.
2016 Van Soest, D. Last Rites: Discussion of the Death Penalty. Hot topics, sponsored by Humanities Washington, Seattle and Tacoma, WA.
2016 Van Soest, D. At the Center Discussion, Encore Communities of Silverdale, Kitsap, WA.
2015 Van Soest, D. Criminal Justice: Pathways, Structures, Outcomes and Future Directions, featuring Just Mercy (required class reading). Columbia University. New York City, NY.
2015 Van Soest, D. Humanities Washington Speakers Bureau. Over two dozen presentations on Capital Punishment: A Conversation about the Death Penalty, featuring Just Mercy. 2015-
2014 Van Soest, D. Forgiveness, Destiny and the True Nature of Justice, featuring Just Mercy. Seattle University Search for Meaning Book Festival, Seattle, WA.
2014 Van Soest, D. Just Mercy. EPIC Writers Guild, Edmonds, WA.
2013 Van Soest, D. Money and Politics: Overturning Citizens United. Wedgewood Peace and Justice Coalition, Seattle, WA.
2010 Van Soest, D. Confronting our fears and finding hope in difficult times. Speakers Series speech, University of Pittsburg School of Social Work.
2007 Van Soest, D. Publishing with CSWE Press. CSWE APM. San Francisco, CA.
2006 Van Soest, D. Hope in a time of international and domestic turmoil: What can social workers do? University of Kentucky, Lexington.
2005 Van Soest, D. Hope in a time of international and domestic turmoil: What can social workers do? University of Portland.
2004 Van Soest, D. Keynote speech: Hope in a time of international and domestic turmoil: What can social workers do? NASW-Texas Annual Conference.
2004 Van Soest, D., Member of IASWR panel on Bridging research and practice in preventing violence: Social work contributions to CDC’s Agenda. CSWE APM, Anaheim, CA.
2004 Van Soest, D. & Garcia, B. Diversity education for social justice: Mastering teaching skills. CSWE APM, Anaheim, CA.
2004 Van Soest, D. Member of Panel entitled Do you want to be a Dean or Director of a School of Social Work? CSWE APM, Anaheim, CA.
2003 Van Soest, D., English, R., Forster, M., Weick, A., Vroom, P. Surviving the downturn in good style. National Association of Deans and Directors Conference, Atlanta, GA.
2002 Van Soest, D. What social workers can do about violence. Workshop sponsored by the Massachusetts Chapter, NASW.
2000 Van Soest, D., Power and Privilege in Field Supervision, Field Instructors' Workshop, St. Thomas University, University of Minnesota, and Macalester College, St. Paul, MN.
2000 Van Soest, D., Park, H., & Johnson, T., The Death Penalty: What is Social Work's Role? Annual Conference, NASW-Texas, Fort Worth, TX.
Urwin, C. & Van Soest, C., Student Standards and Gatekeeping, Faculty Development Institute, CSWE APM, New York City.
2000 Van Soest, D., Park, H., & Johnson, T., An Investigation of the Lives of 37 Men, Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Charleston, S.C.
1999 Van Soest, D. The Meaning of Cultural Diversity in Social Work Doctoral Education, Keynote Speech at Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education (GADE), Houston, Texas.
1999 Van Soest, D. Building the Inclusive Curriculum: Issues and Obstacles. Invitational Presentation. CSWE APM, San Francisco.
1999 Van Soest, D. Professors’ Sensitivity to Racism and Responsiveness to Critical Classroom Events, Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Austin, Texas.
1998 Van Soest, D. Multicultural Issues Related to Issues in Teaching Field Practicum, panel presentation (invited) for the CSWE Task Force on Culturally Competent Social Work Education for the 21st Century, University of Michigan.
Van Soest, D. Faculty Development Institute: Preparing Students to Promote Social and Economic Justice: Issues, Challenges, Strategies, CSWE APM, Orlando.
1997 Van Soest, D. Keynote address: It’s About More than Appreciating Cultural Diversity. Academic Counselors Association Conference, University of Texas at Austin.
1997 Van Soest, D. A New Model of Violence: Implications for Mental Health and Criminal Justice Professionals at conference on “Changing the Model: Relating Poverty, Mental Disabilities, Criminal Justice, and Health to Competency and Capacity,” Austin, TX.
1997 Van Soest, D. Panel presenter on Women, Work, and Unions at a conference on “Labor...Community...University” at University of Texas and St. Edward’s University.
1997 Van Soest, D. & DeCesare, D. Violence Prevention from L.A. To El Salvador: Heightening Awareness of Connections, two days of workshops for NASW, Minnesota Chapter.
1997 Commencement speech, Arizona State University School of Social Work. Social Work in the 21st Century: Catalyst for Transformation or Apologist for the Status Quo?
1997 Violence Reconceptualized for Social Work, New York University.
1997 Plenary Address. NASW Spring Continuing Education Conference, Joint Idaho-Washington State NASW Chapters, Coer d’Alene, Idaho.
1997 Van Soest, D., R. Link, & S. vanderStraeton. Educating Future Social Workers to Meet the Challenge of Violence Worldwide, Special Presentation at CSWE APM, Chicago.
1997 Van Soest, D., N. Lohman, A. Nichols-Casebolt, W. Peebles-Wilkins, C.F. Alter, D. Bailey, J. Quam. A Conversation with Women in Leadership Positions: How Did We Get Here? Special Presentation at CSWE APM, Chicago.
1997 Van Soest, D. What Social Workers can do about Violence: A Multilevel Model, 6th Annual Texas School Social Work Conference.
1996 Van Soest, D., M. Hoff, & J. Crosby. Educating Future Social Workers to Meet the Challenge of Violence Worldwide, 14th Annual BPD Conference, Portland, OR.
1996 Van Soest, D. & Haynes, D. From Violence to Hope: NASW’s Three Year Violence and Development Project, NASW-Texas Annual Conference.
1996 Van Soest, D., Bryant, S., Gamble, D., Forum on International Perspective for Understanding Violence, National NASW Annual Conference, Cleveland.
1996 Van Soest, D. Social Workers and the Global Crisis of Violence, Keynote Speech at annual conference of NASW-South Carolina Chapter.
1996 Van Soest, D. and Garcia, B. Difficulties Faced in Teaching about Diversity and Oppression: Analyzing Critical Classroom Events, CSWE APM, Washington, D.C.
1995 Van Soest, D. Global Crisis of Violence: Universal Causes, Common Consequences, Shared
Solutions, Keynote Addresses at:
Annual Conference, Oregon NASW
Annual Conference, Ohio NASW
Violence Conference, Arizona NASW
1995 Van Soest, D. and Garcia, B. Psychological and Emotional Barriers to Student Empowerment: Teaching and Learning about Diversity. CSWE APM, San Diego.
1995 Van Soest, D., Wetzel, J. and Sullivan, M. The Relationship between Gender Violence and Development: Implications for Social Work Education. CSWE APM, San Diego.
1995 Van Soest, D., vander Straeton, S. and Link, R. The Global Crisis of Violence: Universal Causes, Common Consequences, Shared Solutions. CSWE APM, San Diego.
1994 Van Soest, D. Universal Causes, Common Consequences, Shared Solutions: Violence from a Global Perspective, Keynote Addresses at:
Annual Conference, Rhode Island NASW.
Annual Conference, Georgia NASW.
23rd Annual Conference of the
Consortium on Peace Research,
Education and Development, St. Paul, MN.
1994 Van Soest, D. and Bryant, S. What Social Workers can do about Violence, Master Class, NASW Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.
Van Soest, D. Preparing Social Work Students for Practice in a Violent World. Faculty Development Institute, Biennial Midwest Social Work Education Conference, St. Paul, MN.
Van Soest, D. Impact of Social Work Education on Student Attitudes and Behavior Concerning Oppression, paper presented at CSWE APM, Atlanta
1993 Van Soest, D. and Bryant, S. Reconceptualizing Violence for Social Work: The Urban Dilemma, invitational presentation at the NASW Annual Meeting of the Profession, Orlando, Florida.
1993 Healy, L.M., Estes, R., and Van Soest, D. New Resources for Internationalizing the Curriculum, presented at CSWE APM, New York City.
1992 Van Soest, D. The Many Faces of Violence: Peace and Social Justice Linkages in Social Work Education, presented as part of a week-long speaking tour to social work faculty at Boston College, Boston University, and Simmons College.
1992 Van Soest, D. Introducing Peace and Social Justice into the Social Work Curriculum, Invitational Speech at the Annual Conference of the Baccalaureate Program Directors' Association. San Antonio, Texas.
1992 Van Soest, D. Racism: Definitions, Indicators, and Implications, Psychiatric Grand Rounds, Springfield Hospital Center, Sykesville, Maryland.
1991 Van Soest, D. and Newdom, F. Visions: Peace and Social Justice Interconnecting with Social Work Practice, one-day workshop, Pittsford, New York.
1990 Van Soest, D., Levy Waldstein, A., and Faz, J. What do Peace and Social Justice have to do with Child Welfare? Master Class at NASW Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
1990 Van Soest, D. and Ramsey, R. Clinical Social Work for a Global Perspective, Pre-conference Institute, NASW Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
1990 Van Soest, D., Kruzich, J., and Sullivan, M. The Role of Personality Characteristics and Learning Styles in the Field Instruction Process, CSWE APM, Reno, Nevada.
1989 Van Soest, D., Brown, P., and Wattenberg, E. The Violence of Racism, Sexism and Militarism: Making the Linkages and Examining Social Work's Commitment to Nonviolence, NASW Annual Conference, San Francisco, California.
1989 Van Soest, D., and Johnston, N. The Role of Personality Characteristics and Learning Styles In Social Work Supervision, NASW Annual Conference, San Francisco.
1988 Van Soest, D., Johnston, N., and Sullivan, M. The Helping Professions: A Force For or Against Violence? Symposia on Nonviolence, University of Wisconsin.
1987 Van Soest, D., Hartman, A., and Sanders, D. Social Work Imperatives in Peace, Social Justice and Development, NASW Annual Conference, New Orleans.
1986 Van Soest, D., Kruzich, J., and Ahearn, F. Women in Peace, NASW Conference on Women's Issues, Atlanta, Georgia.
1986 Van Soest, D., and Brenden, M.A. World Peace and Social Justice: A Women's Issue, Women in the World Research Conference, University of South Dakota.
1986 Van Soest, D. and Johnston, N. The Nuclear Threat and Social Work Education: How Should we get Involved? CSWE APM, Miami, Florida.
1986 Brenden, M.A., Van Soest, D., and Thornton, S. Maximizing Fieldwork Learning through Feedback: The Parallel Roles of Educator and Model, CSWE APM, Miami.
1985 Van Soest, D., White, M., and Johnston, N. Harnessing our Power: Empowerment as an Antidote to Despair in a Turbulent World, NASW Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
1985 Van Soest, D. Adult Learning Styles: Field Implications, Annual Field Instructors' Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1984 Van Soest, D. The Adult Learning Model Applied to Field Instruction, Annual Field Instructors' Training Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1983 Van Soest, D., and Horak, J. Self-Determination and Justice in the Classroom or 'Who's in Charge Here? CSWE APM, Fort Worth, Texas.
1982 Van Soest, D., and Conrath, M. Quality Residential Services Through Relationships, Effective Behavior Management Conference, University of Minnesota.
1981 Van Soest, D. The Role of Conflict in Social Work Practice, Regional Conference of the Child Welfare League of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1979 Van Soest, D. Conflict in Child Protection Work: Why do I Feel So Bad When I Act So Nice? National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Los Angeles, California.
2000 Van Soest, D. Understanding violence through an investigation of the lives of 37 men, University of Tampere, Finland.
1998 Prigoff, A. & Van Soest, D. Healing the Wounds: Women Opt for Conflict Resolution Within A Context of Hostility, Violence, and Fear, World Conference of the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers, Women’s Symposium, Jerusalem, Israel.
1988 David, G. & Van Soest, D. Relevance of Gandhi to a Peaceful and Just World Society: Lessons for Social Work Education. Jerusalem Conference of IFSW and IASSW.
1992 Bamford, T., Dolan, P., Van Soest, D., Balais-Serrano, E., and Hall, N. Teaching and Learning about Human Rights: A Manual for Schools of Social Work and the Social Work Profession, World Assembly: NASW's Meeting of the Profession and the 12th International Symposium of IFSW.
1991 Van Soest, D., Healy, L., Estes, R., Johnson, W. International Content in Social Work: New Resources for Curriculum Development, Pre-conference Institute at the 26th Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work.
1989 Van Soest, D., Campoverde, C., and Lundy, C. Educating for Peace: Multicultural Perspectives, 25th Congress of the International Association of Schools of Social Work, Peru.
1989 Van Soest, D., Prigoff, A., and Sanchez, C. Incorporating Peace and Social Justice into the Social Work Curriculum: Human Behavior, Theory and Practice, and Social Policy, Inter-University Consortium on International Social Development, San Jose, Costa Rica.
1988 Van Soest, D., Sullivan, M., and Nakken, C. Increasing our Understanding of Peacemaking through Making the Connections Between Personal and Societal Issues, International Conference on Women & Peace.
1986 Van Soest, D., and Sullivan, M. Orientation to Peace and Social Justice in Professional Social Work Education in the United States, 4th Intl Symposium Social Dev, Hachioji Japan.
© 2022 Dorothy Van Soest